-b time The
start time (in milliseconds) of the segment to use. Default: 'start of the file'
-c classifier The
part classifier to use. Default: hybrid, other options are: adhoc; stats; net and knearest
-e time The
end time (in milliseconds) of the segment to use. Default: 'end of the file'
-p part Specify
a musical 'part' of the midi file include in the output. This option can be included more than once if several parts are wanted. Valid parts are: acc; bass; drums and lead Default: All parts will be included if this option is not present
channel Something to remove events on the given channel(s).
instrument Something to remove note events on channel(s) using particular patch numbers.
track Something to remove events on the given track(s).
pitch Something to remove / transform note events (e.g. remove bass, remove octave information).