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Log for MaART
- In the Next Release
- Added beat / tempo finder tool
- Added Windows GUI form (using .NET v2.0)
- In a Forthcoming Release
- Add midilcs tool (note: this might become a generic lcs)
- Add implementation of the Earth Mover's Distance for similarity
- Add implementation of Principal Component Analyis for dimension reduction
- Release 2006-10-05
- Project / solution files to compile MaART with Microsoft Visual C++ Express
- Added midi2dat tool which converts a midi file into a piano-roll matrix
- Added musical part classification to midicut. For example, this can be used to remove drum tracks before passing to other tools such as midi2dat
- Added chroma feature representation to wave2mfcc
- Added implementation of the FastMap dimension reduction algorithm, fastmap
- Added implementation of the k-means clustering algorithm, cluster
- Added implementation of a Self-Organizing Map, som
- Added a zoom option to dat2bmp
- Release 2006-04-23
- Added wave2midi pitch extractor (very basic at the moment)
- Added the sim application which calculates similarity
(and self-similarity) matrices from feature files. The feature
files are loaded as matrices, as output by wave2mfcc (for example)
- Added the mpglib mp3 audio decoding library
- Added condense album summariser
- Updated the mdbcgi tutorial (with the article on the web site)
- Release 2005-08-01
- Added wave2mfcc and sonogram tools
- Added a simple install script for the command-line tools (shell script)
- Added a simple voxel renderer to the bitmap library, along with an example utility
to convert a 2D bitmap into a 3D one
- Added the collector tool
- Build files for use with DevCpp and MinGW. This will also allow
binaries for Windows to be distributed
- Add simple digital signal processing library (to enable the content-based tools to be applied to audio)
- Various small bug fixes and portability / consistency improvements
- Release 2004-08-01
- Improved portability of cfgfile.cpp
- Added CGI interface to the MIDI Database
- SOAP webservice (driven by gSOAP)
- Ribbon applet to query the CGI interface
- Keyboard applet to query the CGI interface
- Imported the bitmap class
- Added midistat, miditexture and midicut tools
- Added WAVE file library (and RIFF library). This uses namespaces (e.g. wave::foo) rather than prefixes (e.g. wave_foo).
- Added WAVE tools (waveinfo wavecopy wavegen wavespeed)
- Modified the Midi library to use the new RIFF library
- Added an "alphabet" contour mapping which maps +/-25 semitones exactly to a character
- Release 2003-12-11